Thursday 12 April 2012

And about the "Grade 10 Challenge"...what is it??

I want to let readers of this post know that one of the significant differences between NSLC and the other 4 learning centres in the Surrey School District, aside from the fact that we're the uh best --- oops, did I really write that? All kidding aside, NSLC is home to "Grade 10 Challenge" the only program of its kind in the district, and it is an integral part of our learning community. Who does "Challenge" serve? Is is designed for students entering their grade 10 year, but who may still have grade 8 and/or grade 9 courses yet to be successfully completed. "Challenge"  may be just the answer to help these students willing to work hard to get back on track. Students are eligible to stay in the program for one school year where it is expected that they will complete English, Math, Planning, Science, Social Studies and Physical Education. When the school year ends, regardless of whether or not all 6 courses were achieved, students' time in "Challenge" has ended. It's one 'kick at the can'. Students may transition back to mainstream, attend other learning centres or stay at NSLC, but not in""Challenge"as "those days are o-o-over". Those that choose to stay, will now be educated on the other side of the 'Mason/Dixon line', so to speak.

For those students who find it difficult organizing and working on four courses per semester, "Challenge" may be a good fit in that students work on two and/or three courses per semester. For those students who find mainstream overwhelming and impersonal because of the sheer numbers and size of the school, again "Challenge' may be the right fit. It is a small, intimate setting - 2 wise sages, 30 keen young learners per session!

All students wanting to attend "Challenge" are required to write a literacy and numeracy assessment prior to admittance. It's important to understand that "Challenge" is not designed nor resourced for students with severe learning disabilities or for those with other significant learning issues. The typical student can be described as average ability, but for various reasons (truancy, behavioural challenges, health concerns), mainstream is not working well for them at the present time.

I hope dear readers that you have gained some understanding into the Grade 10 Challenge Program. Too, there is a standing invitation to come by any time and "meet the Challenge"!

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